About Us
Message from our Executive Director
Dear Friends of Parents Inc. of New Jersey,
I am excited to announce that I joined Parents Inc. of New Jersey as the new Executive Director in September of 2023. I would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself.
I was first introduced to Parents Inc. of New Jersey nearly ten years ago as a Foundation funder of Keansburg Father Time. Immediately, I could see the love and respect that everyone at Parents Inc. of New Jersey had for each other and for those served. It was the epitome of the word community and I wanted to be a part of it and when the foundation sunset and the Executive Director’s position became available, I applied for the position.
I bring over 35 years' experience in fundraising, community relations, marketing, non-profit management to Parents Inc of New Jersey. I also bring a deep understanding of the mission and vision of Parents Inc. of New Jersey along with the community it serves. As I look to the future of Parents Inc. of New Jersey and how we can grow to meet the needs of our families in New Jersey, I do so through this lens of mutual respect and shared leadership. I am passionate about making a difference in communities throughout New Jersey. I am confident that there is no better way to achieve this than through Parents Inc. Of New Jersey alongside our dedicated staff, board and families as well as volunteers.
I hope to have the opportunity to get to know you and I appreciate your continued support of Parents Inc. of New Jersey and look forward to sharing our stories and news with you.
Jackie Edwards
Our Mission
The mission of Parents Inc. of New Jersey is to strengthen families through parent leadership development, advocacy, and personal growth.