Circle of Parents Support Group

What is Circle of Parents®?
Purpose of Circle of Parents:
To provide a place where parents can connect with each other, learn from each other and be sources of strength for each other with the intention of building the five protective factors. Read more information on Circle of Parents here.
Parent/Caregiver Group Goals:
The overall goal of the program is to prevent child abuse and neglect, while strengthening families. More specifically, participants:
Gain a sense of belonging and relief as they learn that their family dynamics and their child’s behavior are more typical than problematic.
Become resources to each other inside and outside of the group by sharing coping strategies and parenting skills from parents who have ‘been there’.
Advocate for themselves and other parents as they both give and receive help and recognize that seeking help is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness.
Become more competent and confident in their parenting role as they improve their communication and problem solving skills, and take on leadership responsibilities.
Principles of Circle of Parents Support Group
Trust. Parents who come to support groups count on each other to listen openly, respond honestly and always act with compassion. Parents know that all information shared in the support group is confidential and never discussed outside the group setting, within the limits of the law. All parents have the option of anonymity in the support group.
Reciprocity. Parents provide non-judgmental support to one another. Parents are the experts about their own families and their own children. Together, parents learn from one another about ways to strengthen their families.
Leadership & Personal Accountability. The support group belongs to the parents who attend. Parents determine the content of meetings and agenda, they define their own goals in the group, model healthy interactions, ensure meetings take place consistently, set individual goals and act on their decisions.
Respect. Parents in support groups can expect to have their feelings heard, one at a time. They can also count on having enough time for everyone to speak, rather than one or two people taking over all the time in the group. Parents, facilitators, and parent leaders honor cultural traditions, boundaries and needs of group members.
Parenting in the Present. Support groups focus on what is happening today, rather than spending precious time on things in the past that cannot be changed. At times, people need to talk about the past, because the past is affecting what is happening now.
Shared Leadership. Parents and professionals build successful partnerships. They share responsibility, expertise and leadership roles.
Responsibility. Members of the group hold each other accountable for the above values, ask for clarification if there is something they do not understand, and reach out if someone else seems to be struggling.
Non-Violence. Participants assist one another in developing positive methods of problem solving and realize that violence at any level is not an acceptable form of dealing with problems and issues.
Call 609-585-7666 to join
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Interested in volunteering with the Circle of Parents Support Group? Apply here to volunteer.
"When I went to a counselor, the first thing he asked for was my insurance card, when I went to a lawyer, he asked for a retainer. Even the parenting classes I tried charged a fee. It seems that wherever I went to ask for help, the first thing they wanted was for me to reach into my wallet. When I found my Parents Inc. support group, the first thing they asked was 'How can we help you?' and amazingly, never asked for money."
–Eric A.
"The members of Nana’s Love Grandparents group very much appreciate your time and support for our group. Without you, we would not have been able to keep our group intact and cohesive."
–Aprilis Abdul-Majeed, Parent Group Leader
"Currently, our group is assisting at least four parents. We provide support by emphasizing that parents are not alone, offering advocacy, resources, information, and emotional support. We have witnessed several success stories within our group this year. For example, one parent successfully advocated for her son, who has multiple health needs, and secured a favorable outcome with the school. Another parent's son was accepted for early intervention due to the resources we provided earlier in the year. Additionally, another parent is working on obtaining therapy and services for her child. Our group collectively makes a difference and guides parents in fulfilling their children's needs. There have been numerous successes within our group. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of self-care to empower parents to be better caregivers for their children."
–Kathy Eckert, Parent Group Leader
"Hi, I've been a part of Parents Inc for 15 years now. My time with the group started when both my kids, then teenagers, where making raising them on my own very difficult. It was nice to be with a group of people that understood what I was going through. As time passed it became more of an extended family then a support group. Which helped me survive the hard times. Now both my kids are 29 and 30, and I have three grandkids. To this day I always look forward to going to group and seeing everyone and hearing how their week went. To tell you how my 15 years have gone by I would have to write a novel. So, I hope this short email gives you a hint on my feelings towards Parents Inc and all the people that work and support it."
"Parents Inc support group has helped me feel good. Once a week I can learn about things in my community and get help from Ms. Martinez and other staff. These meetings help me with stress as well. Thank You. "
"Hello! Today I wanted to share my story with you. I’ve been involved with Parents Inc. for 12 months, whewww it’s been a roller coaster!! June of 2023 my son was taken away from by DCP&P... I was angry, frustrated & felt defeated. A month later I began to join meetings with Parents Inc. & received the reassurance I needed when I didn’t know that was what I needed. I learned how to communicate, advocate & be understood all so gracefully. A year later I am now reunified with my son & I am still attending group. Parents Inc. have helped me at a time in my life when I was down and out. So THANK YOU PARENTS INC.! "